Marketing News South Africa

Transforming marketing

Armed with an enormous marketing campaign including comics, toys and tie-in deals, DreamWorks action film Transformers opened in the US last month, breaking the box office record for the highest-grossing opening week for a non-sequel. Universal McCann was tasked with creating a media plan for UIP to ensure similar success in South Africa.

“The media selection had to introduce a new generation of school children and students to Transformers as well as reaching adults who would remember the '80s fare,” says Maggie Pronto, UIP media strategist for Universal McCann.

The media schedule included traditional favourites such as television, outdoor media and print focused around the school holiday period. Below-the-line elements included plasma screens showing trailers of the film rigged up at the Durban Beach Festival in July – a popular event for school kids from Gauteng and Natal.

A large online component also formed part of the mix, with advertising on popular websites in conjunction with a funky MXit campaign. “The youth spend time online through Internet access at schools and universities so it made sense to have a strong online presence,” comments Pronto. “The Mixit campaign was especially successful, with over 17 447 entries received in just one week.”

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