Willem Eksteen, chief executive at Stone
As we look back at our incredible journey, we can't help but reflect on the integral role our friends, teams, clients, supporters and beneficiaries of our services have played in our story. Together, we have stacked our stone pillar of value.
Stone is proud of our client work, our strong relationships, and the value we have added over the past fifteen years. We started in 2008 as a small team with a big vision, working relentlessly on a few projects to ensure it was just about perfect! Only a few things have changed over the years – we are now a larger team of consultants working on multiple client projects, but we still burn the midnight oil to ensure perfect results in line with our uncompromised work ethic and drive to add value. We humbly remember the long road we travelled to where we find ourselves.
Our valued friends, colleagues and partners, have been essential, and we thank each of you! Ultimately you are part of our team, and we of yours. We celebrate this remarkable fifteenth milestone together! The aim has always been to add more value than we take in payment. By being blessed and commercially successful, we, in turn, were able to generously bring value to several pro bono clients, spreading our talent and business ministry to benefit our community. Mould Empower Serve or MES (www.mes.org.za), Africa20Twenty (www.africa20twenty.org), Nation Builder (www.proudnationbuilder.co.za) and Ziwani (www.ziwani.com), amongst others, we salute you and the massive difference you make to people's lives!

An unwavering belief in our shared mission has driven our success story from small beginnings to being a robust strategy and communication consulting firm, consistently delivering with the relentless dedication of an exceptional team. Each partner on the fifteen-year journey has left an indelible mark on our history, contributing to the vibrant tapestry of innovation, resilience, and collaboration that defines Stone.
We thank our clients, partners, friends, team members and alumni for your loyal support, input and feedback, which have been fundamental to our growth and success. You've challenged us, believed in us, and stood by our side every step of the way, pushing us to innovate and excel. We wouldn't be celebrating this significant milestone without you, and we are immensely grateful for this milestone.
Stone provides quality business strategy and communication consulting services, adding real value to a range of private and public sector clients, enabling them to rise to the challenges they face on their way to prosperity and success. Our commitment to bespoke strategies and visionary innovation remains as steadfast as ever. The unique Stone Pebble Ring Thinking© methodologies enable focused strategies for effectively positioning all key audiences, generating stakeholder influence, and promoting internal alignment to key business objectives.
As we take a moment to reflect on the past, we also look forward to the opportunities that lie ahead. With an ever-evolving marketplace, our journey is still ongoing. Our commitment to our clients, stakeholders, and each other will continue to fuel our passion and drive us in the future. We celebrate fifteen years of service, bringing top-quality advisory services and strategic communication, placing our clients' business objectives at the centre of all we do.
We will leave no stone unturned as we strive for excellence and keep providing the unparalleled value our clients have grown to expect from us. Thank you very much for your role in building our beautiful stack of Stones!