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Advertising Media Forum Press Office
The Advertising Media Forum (AMF) is a collective of media agencies and individuals including media strategists, planners, buyers and consultants through whom 95% of all media expenditure in South Africa is bought.

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The impact of Google’s cookie u-turn
In what has caused a seismic wave in the global advertising industry in the last two weeks, Google announced on 22 July 2024, that it will not deprecate third-party cookies in its Chrome browser as initially planned. Instead, the company will introduce a user-choice model, providing consumers with more control over how their data is used... seems quite obvious in retrospect. This decision, influenced by pressures from the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority and others, acknowledges the feedback from both industry and regulatory bodies regarding the original plan to eliminate third-party cookies altogether. 26 Aug 2024 Read more

Embracing innovation in South Africa’s media and advertising landscape
With the rise in digital transformation, more than half the South African population having constant internet access and being a mobile-first nation, it’s more important than ever for industry leaders and agencies to embrace innovation and the latest tech and tools to create effective and impactful campaigns. Here we look at key focus areas for growth and innovation in the media and advertising landscape. 6 Aug 2024 Read more

Fostering an effective agency-client partnership
In the dynamic landscape of modern business, the relationship between agencies and their clients has evolved into a crucial determinant of success. An effective partnership transcends the traditional transactional model, focusing instead on collaboration, mutual understanding, and shared goals. 4 Jun 2024 Read more

Feed me Seymour!
Every marketer and media professional is aware of the consumer funnel. 21 May 2024 Read more

Was media planning really less precise before AI?
Look around today and you cannot escape hearing about how AI is changing the media and creative industries almost overnight. 6 May 2024 Read more

The challenges of hyper focusing on digital metrics in South African advertising
In the fast-accelerating world of digital marketing, South African creative and advertising agencies are increasingly falling into the trap of hyper focusing on data and analytics. While these metrics undoubtedly provide valuable insights into consumer behaviour, they risk overshadowing the essence of advertising: the human connection. As agencies we tend to obsess over metrics, and run the risk of compromising the emotional bond between brands and their audience. 15 Feb 2024 Read more

The trends driving media in 2024
In the ever-evolving landscape of media and consumer behaviour, 2024 brings a paradigm shift that challenges the traditional approaches to reaching audiences. 4 Dec 2023 Read more

Uncovering the unsettling trend in OOH advertising
In the dynamic landscape of OOH advertising, an alarming issue has been quietly spreading, and it poses a significant risk to brands, clients, and media agencies alike: the issue of brokering, which often includes false representation of sites and blatant deception regarding site ownership. This concern requires immediate attention and strategic intervention to safeguard the integrity of campaigns and protect stakeholders from potential legal ramifications. Unfortunately, the misconduct of some reflects poorly on the whole hence it’s in the best interests of those media owners who conduct themselves with integrity to clean up the overall brokering act. 28 Nov 2023 Read more

The crucial role of non-biased measurement in the media advertising industry
As the media advertising industry continues to evolve, a critical aspect of its success lies in its ability to evaluate its outcomes accurately. The key to such accurate evaluation is non-biased measurement, an aspect that ensures the delivery of fair, objective, and transparent results. These evaluations provide invaluable insights for businesses to make informed decisions, optimise their marketing strategies, and justify their ad spending. It is precisely the understanding of having a fair system of measurement that led to the formation of the AMF as an advisory body to the media industry to ensure realistic, factual measurement of consumption and audiences were being reported back to agencies and in turn, clients. 19 Oct 2023 Read more

The conundrum of brand building vs performance marketing
Over the past few years, performance marketing has steadily been the rising star of many marketing and media strategies. It's not surprising, as it seems to answer the age-old marketing conundrum... 'Half the money I spend; is wasted, the trouble is I don't know which half' by enabling marketers to measure ROI. 11 Oct 2023 Read more

Mentorship is an investment into the future of our industry
In the fast-paced and competitive landscape of the media industry, young professionals face unprecedented challenges as they strive to make their mark. Navigating their careers while making a meaningful impact requires more than just talent and ambition - it requires proper guidance. 12 Jun 2023 Read more

With new B-BBEE laws gazetted by the president, what now for the SA media industry?
President Cyril Ramaphosa recently signed the Employment Equity Bill into law, which empowers the government to set specific equity targets and regulate sector-specific employment equity (EE) targets. The new legislation requires companies with more than 50 employees to submit employment equity plans and annual reports to the Department of Employment and Labour. This increased transparency and accountability will require South African companies including those in the media and advertising sector to be more diligent in their compliance efforts, which may result in a higher degree of scrutiny from regulators and the public. 20 Apr 2023 Read more

The shiny new thing!
Advertisers and their agencies are obsessed with innovation, and rightly so. Innovation is what makes us stand out, break through, get noticed in the ever-increasing sea of sameness that is the South African marketing landscape. 23 Mar 2023 Read more

Total TV Share vs Broadcast TV Share
Towards the end of 2022, the BRC agreed to release new channel codes to the industry to allow for a better understanding of total viewing and share of viewing for all content flighting on TV sets. 14 Feb 2023 Read more

Load shedding is not a good enough reason to cut TV budgets
It's not the first time in history that South Africans have experienced load shedding. However, 2022 has seen a surge of power outages (or rather a decrease in power surges). Not only does load shedding impact the South African economy, but small businesses are also affected, traffic, households, etc. What does this mean for the media industry? Well, ask any TV planner and they will tell you their TV plan under-delivered due to load shedding. Try explaining this to a global auditor sitting in a first world country - who has their lights on. 2 Dec 2022 Read more

The four legs of a chair - why partnership is the future
June/July in ad-land means one thing and one thing only: Cannes. Yes, that time of year where the global advertising and marketing industry descend on beautiful Cannes in the south of France for suntanning, midnight parties on the beach, and a spot of advertising. 15 Sep 2022 Read more

Low media fees - is this trend sustainable?
The symbiotic relationship between agencies and clients continues to evolve and due to decreasing marketing budgets year-on-year, getting more complex. A once traditional approach has morphed into practices that are often unrecognisable to those who have been in the industry for a long time. 28 Jun 2022 Read more

Halfway into a 'not so happy' 2022
At the end of 2021 you would have noted many 'trends' pieces making their way online from various perspectives in the marketing, media and advertising world. Whether global or local articles, many authors tried their hands at 'predicting' the future in the coming months. 7 Jun 2022 Read more

Brands, the consumer and cancel culture
Marketing has evolved over the years and so has the consumer. As marketers, we are no longer dealing with passive consumers. There's a new breed of "woke" consumers and they are holding brands accountable for various issues like never before. In the past, it was difficult for consumers to reach corporations, but social media has made it easy for the people on the ground to voice their opinions pertaining to issues surrounding brands. This is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing in that it can force change within organisations and a curse because it can be problematic when accusations are unmerited, and individuals, brands or organisations get "cancelled". 17 Jan 2022 Read more

Transformation in the media industry needs a 'Transformation'
What unhealthy prejudices and biases walk through the corridors of your media agency? 17 Nov 2021 Read more

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