Recent good rain lifts wheat crop expectations

The expected commercial production of SA's wheat crop was likely to be 6.2% greater, at 1.876-million tons, than the Crop Estimates Committee forecast a month ago, the committee said on Tuesday, 20 December.
Recent good rain lifts wheat crop expectations
© Irochka –

The committee, part of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, said in its fifth estimate for SA's winter crops of wheat, malting barley and canola that the main reason for a bigger wheat crop was that farmers harvested better-than-expected yields, especially in the Western Cape.

The total yield is expected to be 3.69 tons/hectare, which is above last month's forecast of 3.47 tons/hectare and 2015's 3.67 tons/hectare.

The expected harvest in the Western Cape, which produces more than half the total crop, will be 10% higher than previously forecast.

The Free State crop is unchanged at 308,000 tons. In the Northern Cape the estimate has been increased by 5.6% to 266,000 tons.

Winter wheat is planted in May and harvested in November.

The committee also forecast the malting barley crop would be 9.5% higher than expected in November, at 339,135 tons, although the canola crop would be 3.0% less at 108,860 tons.

Source: BDpro

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