Whale watchers need permission to watch

The most glaring oddity of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister Tina Joemat-Pettersson's proposed changes to SA's marine resources legislation is that it appears to make whale watching an offence - unless the watcher has her permission.
Tina Joematt-Pettersson (Image: GCIS)
Tina Joematt-Pettersson (Image: GCIS)

Whale watching has boomed worldwide over the past two decades, and is a considerable revenue-spinner in the Western Cape. A 2009 study estimated that 13m people went whale watching globally in 2008. Hermanus was pinpointed as a global whale watching centre.

"As at present, any member of the public, engaged in, for example, whale watching, would be guilty of an offence unless they had received personal permission from the minister to do so," said University of Cape Town mathematician Doug Butterworth.

Butterworth is one of a group of 13 top academics and conservationists who have written to Joemat-Pettersson asking for more time to provide considered comment on the Marine Living Resources Amendment Bill. They include Rhodes University fisheries scientist Kevern Cochrane, a previous director of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation resources use and fisheries and aqua culture conservation division.

Last week, the minister reduced the comment period from six weeks to three.

The clause to which Butterworth refers says: "A person may not undertake commercial fishing, small-scale fishing, operate a fishing processing establishment or engage in non-consumptive use as determined by the minister, unless a right to undertake or engage in such an activity or to operate such an establishment has been granted to such a person by the minister."

Ministerial spokeswoman Palesa Mokomele said Joemat-Pettersson "would not comment yet on the letter".

According to the Hermanus Whale Festival website, the town received over 100,000 visitors last year during the festival, held annually in September. There are, obviously, many spin-offs for the tourism sector, from restaurant trade to tourists adding other parts of SA onto a whale-watching holiday.

Source: Business Day via I-Net Bridge

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