South African movies we WANT to watch...

How about movies with subject matter that doesn't necessarily have to do with political issues/racial issues/white guilt issues or Leon Shuster's ridiculous amateurish attempts at cinema?

Does anyone not think that perhaps Leon Shuster does so well because there is NO OTHER South African films being made for commercial reasons?

And try to get financing for films, HA. First up it's generally AA. Then if your film doesn't fit into the slots mentioned above (political blah blah blah), they're not interested. And now that Yesterday did so well (haven't seen it, doesn't interest me), can we expect even more AIDS/political etc. films?


I really hope Crazy Monkey changes things, but let's be honest, the only reason why they're doing a film is because MTV picked them up when South African TV stations weren't interested. Now we're eager to jump on the band wagon hmmm?

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