I hate Virgin Mobile!!

for all the ppl who have gotten ineffectual service from Virgin mobile...

For close on 4 months now i
have called the help centre in regard to my faulty phone that doesn't
work properly and needs repairs, i have called to the extent of 15 times, and have
gotten the run around constantly even when requesting a supervisor to
get back to me. Being told on every call that someone will get back to you within 1 or 2 has become an overused cliche to me.

I have tried to escalate this myself but to no avail...
The incompetence of the service is astonishing. All I wished for to have
someone pick up my mobile(Imate Kjam) for repairs with a replacement phone as i
require one. But to date nothing has happened, The
call centre staff are as friendly and as competent as a 3 yr old getting a scolding. THAT IS NO WAY TO OPERATE ANY BUSINESS!!!

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