Cell C's plan to create platform for new entrants

Cell C has entered into an agreement that will result in the launch of a mobile virtual network enabler (MVNE) to create a platform for new entrants in the cellphone industry.
Cell C has created a platform for mobile virtual network operators. Image: Kromkrathog
Cell C has created a platform for mobile virtual network operators. Image: Kromkrathog Free Digital Photos

MVNEs provide business infrastructure solutions and services to mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs). An MVNO is a company that piggybacks on another operator's network to provide mobile services.

The deal with Comverse and Mirage Telecom will enable other companies‚ such as banks‚ or retailers to sell their own branded mobile data and voice products and services to customers. This will further stimulate competition‚ investment and provide choice for consumers.

As part of the agreement‚ Comverse will supply its telecommunications software to Mirage Telecom‚ while Cell C will provide network capacity to the MVNE.

Cell C's acting chief executive Jose dos Santos‚ said the partnership would lead to innovative products.

"Through our partnerships with Comverse and Cell C‚ Mirage Telecom is essentially enabling large organisations to offer branded mobile voice and data services to their clients as MVNOs‚" he said.

Cell C has MVNO partnerships with Virgin Mobile and Red Bull.

"The launch of the country's first MVNE is the next step up the mobile ladder. South African mobile users will now see new offerings from some of their favourite and most trusted brands. These brands will have the freedom and flexibility to develop specific products and services for the customers‚" said Prins Mhlanga‚ executive director at Mirage Telecom.

Research firm Informa Telecoms and Media says that globally there are now 120m MVNO subscriptions‚ or just 1.8% of total mobile subscriptions. It forecasts there will be 311m MVNO subscribers by the end of 2017.

Dos Santos said Cell C had grown its customers to 13m from about 9m a year ago.

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