Amazon Vehicles could be every gear head's new happy place

Amazon, the world's largest online retailer, recently launched the latest addition to their website, namely Amazon Vehicles. This new page is aimed at providing the "automotive community" with a one-stop platform to browse and compare reviews on a plethora of vehicles.
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Image via Motorburn.

From old school 90s station wagons to the latest electric-powered beasts, the sheer magnitude of motor reviews on Vehicles is absolutely staggering. There is even a decent range of motorcycles thrown in for good measure. “Our goal is to support customers during one of the most important, research-intensive purchases in their lives by helping them make informed decisions every step of the way,” said Adam Goetsch, director of Automotive at

Amazon Vehicles will operate much like a forum, with customers submitting their own reviews, uploading their images and videos, and also having the opportunity to get in touch with owners of the specific vehicle models.

Read the full article on Motorburn.

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