Salon 58 - Noir

Jackie Burger presented her third soirée for 2015, Noir, on Saturday 20 June 2015 at the P.J. Olivier Art Centre in Stellenbosch.

Guests enjoyed masterclasses on men's grooming by Aesop and Dawid Kriel of Institute Aesthetic,
dressing etiquette by Mr Doveton and salonnière Jackie Burger, bespoke tailored suits by MORE
Made-To-Measure, the forgotten art of the boutonnière by BlomBoy, bespoke cocktails with Adi
Badenhorst, and a salon show entitled The Little Black Dress showcasing designs by KLûK CGDT,
Black Coffee, Lara Klawikowski and Drotsky in collaboration with M.A.C Cosmetics, Black Betty
jewelry and heels by Nine West.

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