Eastern Cape ANC leaders must sign performance agreements

Senior members of the Eastern Cape government, including Premier Noxolo Kiviet, will have to sign performance agreements with the ANC.
Eastern Cape ANC leaders must sign performance agreements

This was one of the decisions taken by the top five in the provincial government when they met for the first time on Monday (15 July), provincial secretary Oscar Mabuyane said on Tuesday (16 July).

He said the agreements would make it easier for the provincial executive committee to fire people unable to meet the party's expectations.

Mabuyane said the newly elected deputy provincial chairman, Sakhumzi Somyo, will lead a sub-committee that will monitor and evaluate performance. Previously only the provincial secretary was responsible for assessments.

Kiviet, the members of the provincial executive committee, Eastern Cape ANC members of parliament and of the provincial legislature, and ANC mayors will have to sign the agreement.

There is widespread speculation that a cabinet reshuffle is pending, with Kiviet likely to be a casualty.

But Mabuyane ruled out "recalling" Kiviet. "There are no such plans," he said. "People are merely spreading rumours to create instability."

Kiviet, health MEC Sicelo Gqobana, and economic affairs and tourism MEC Mcebisi Jonas failed to make it onto the ANC provincial executive committee in Port Elizabeth two weeks ago.

Source: The Times via I-Net Bridge

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