Advertising Forums South Africa

How did they make it on air?

Some ads should never make it past scamp stage. The ad where the woman has a rip-roaring orgasm while washing her hair in the plane loo. Come on! It's so bad. It stinks.

There isn't even room in there to brush your teeth, let alone wash a mane of hair like that. And then the tired old gag of the older woman asking for the same. It's been done like... 100 times since When Harry Met Sally.

The Sanlam crocodile ad. What were they thinking? It's like a badly animated kids' programme from the mid-eighties. I don't get it. I get the bad gag - I just don't know how it became an actual television advertisement.

The guy that goes around washing people's hair with Body On Tap. What? I can't even talk about it.

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