Manufacturing News South Africa

Wage discussions: SACTWU pitted against SA textile manufacturers, the B2B publishing platform for the global textile-apparel and fashion industry, reports that the Southern African Clothing & Textile Workers' Union (SACTWU) has settled its 2012 wage negotiations for the General Goods & Handbags leather sector.

A 7.5% wage increase was agreed to, with the Association of South African Manufacturers of Luggage, Handbags & General Goods, which represents employers in the leather sector. The settlement covers 83 factories in the sector, employing approximately 2000 workers. The wage increase comes into effect nationally on 1 July 2012 and is effective for a year.

Earlier this week, SACTWU has declared a wage dispute against employers in the Cotton Textiles sector. The National Textile Bargaining Council (NTBC) is now required to arrange a Conciliation meeting and try to settle the dispute. SACTWU is demanding a 7.5% wage increase, while cotton textiles employers have tabled a final settlement offer of 5.5%. If the Conciliation fails, the union intends to ballot its members for strike action. Almost 5000 textile workers employed in 52 factories nationally are affected, says.

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